The Case of the Hugo Awards, Worldcon, and a Litter of Unhappy Puppies

This year’s Hugo Awards ceremony at Worldcon in Seattle involved quite a bit of controversy. NPR reports that out of 85 works, 12 walked away with prizes. Why is that strange? Well, there’s a few...

Redneck Scented Candles Light Up Twitter

This morning hashtag #RedneckScentedCandles is the top trending hashtag on Twitter. The usual Twitter response to a top trending hashtag is to miss-use it to promote other stuff. Some is related...

Kung Fu Wine spiked with VIAGRA confiscated in China

Some Chinese wineries got caught putting Sildenafil (VIAGRA) in rice wine and sell them as health drinks. One of the bottles is called Pot of Gold Kung Fu wine.Sildenafil was found in three different...

Robbie Maddison Rides Dirt Bike on Huge Waves

Australian daredevil Robbie Maddison is famous for its spectacular stunts. He pulled off another unimaginable act again. The 34-year old Maddison rode a dirt bike on huge waves in Tahiti. The...

What have the new Spectre Trailer and Slow Mo Guys Giant Balloon Video in Common?

Yesterday the first full length James Bond Spectre trailer premiered and it immediately went viral. The hashtag #Spectre was trending for hours after the release of the trailer. The new Bond trailer...