Alderaandack Chair: R2-D2 Adirondack Chair

r2d2 adirondack chair Alderaandack Chair: R2 D2 Adirondack Chair
Looking for love in Alderaan places? We love this “Alderaandack Chair” from XTinct 3D Design, it is the chair we are looking for. Made of cedar and carved with love (and a CNC machine), it’s R2-D2. That little droid is so helpful. I’m not sure if this technically qualifies as an Adirondack chair since it has no arms (chair experts leave a comment) but I’ll just prop it up in my backyard next to my Storm Trooper Chair and my Skull Chair anyway.

Alderaandack Chair: R2-D2 Adirondack Chair
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Stormtrooper Wood Deck Chair

stormtrooper deck check Stormtrooper Wood Deck Chair
Looking for a companion chair for your Adirondack Skull Chair? Well then look no further than this sweet Stormtrooper deck chair. Who wouldn’t want one of these sitting in their backyard or living room?
stormtrooper chair arm Stormtrooper Wood Deck Chair
The chair was created by Got Wood Workshop and even has appropriate Imperial insignia on the arms.
stormtrooper chair Stormtrooper Wood Deck Chair
Unfortunately you can’t buy this chair due to copyright and legal reasons but if you happen to know a local woodworker in your area, why not ask them to make one for you (and me)? Thanks.

Stormtrooper Wood Deck Chair