‘So Long, Paparazzi’ at LAX’s Delta One

Fans looking for LAX photographs may have to search harder since Delta teamed up to create a paparazzi-proof terminal in the California airport.According to The Hollywood Reporter, the $229 million...

CES 2015: Delta will showcase New Tech Innovations for Smart, Green Lifestyle

The Delta Group is a global leader in switching power supplies and thermal management. The company has announced that it will introduce its new innovation ‘Delta smart Green House’ and display its...

Delta Opposes Paulding County Airport; DOT Called In

With the Falcon's newest stadium breaking ground, it seems as if Atlanta's growing into a bigger metropolis.However, Forbes reports not all growth is welcome and Delta's at the center core preventing...

Orange is the New Black’s Lea DeLaria as honorary Grand Marshal in Atlanta Pride Parade

Today, Oct. 12, Atlanta Pride's annual parade kicked off with a bang.Orange is the New Black's Lea DeLaria (Carrie 'Big Boo' Black) took charge as honorary Grand Marshal, waving to the crowds.During...