Playing witness to an android riot in ‘Detroit: Become Human’

I don't know when I'll get to play Detroit: Become Human again. The latest game from David Cage's Quantic Dream studio (Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls) conspicuously didn't have a release date, or, hell, even a release year when Sony showed off a bran...

Cult classic ‘Indigo Prophecy’ gets a new PS4 release date

Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls developer Quantic Dream has announced that one of its earlier pseudo-cinematic games, Indigo Prophecy, will be released for PlayStation 4 via the PlayStation Store on August 9th. It will arrive as a PS2-to-PS4 game so...

PS4’s ‘Detroit’ couldn’t have taken place anywhere else

When you set your story in a specific city, it's a very sensitive thing to do," said David Cage, director of the upcoming PlayStation 4 exclusive Detroit: Become Human. "You don't want to do it if you're not respectful of the place, of the people liv...

‘Detroit’ is Quantic Dream’s debut PS4 game

Detroit is bouncing back from some absolutely devastating economic times, but Detroit from Quantic Dream exists in an altogether different timeline. The team behind Heavy Rain is using the Motor City and its manufacturing legacy as a backdrop for i...