Earth Enters 6th Mass Extinction

Paul Ehrlich, the Bing Professor of Population Studies in biology and a senior fellow at the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment along with his fellow researchers have declared that the...

Bronze Age Migrations Made Up DNA Pool of Modern Europe

A new study into the DNA of Bronze age (about 5,000 - 3,000 years ago) reveals stunning new insights in how modern Europe and Central Asia has formed. Was it a massive migration? Or was it rather a...

Over 100 Patients potentially infected by Superbug in Los Angeles Hospital

The Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center has informed over 100 patients that they are at risk of having been infected with an antibiotics resistant bug. During endoscopic procedures that took place...

The Real Evolution Debate: Is It All Just Natural Selection?

With all the recent attention given to the debate over evolution and creationism, you’d never know that a much more interesting debate has been going on for decades amongst evolutionary biologists....

Life On Earth Didn’t Begin On Mars, Says Astrochemist

The eternal chicken or egg question — did Mars seed life on earth or did earth seed life on the Red Planet? — is utter astrobiological “nonsense.” Or so says Pascale Ehrenfreund, an astrochemist at...