Guinea Pigtato Just Needs Some Cheese and Bacon Bits

Behold the greatest animal cosplay ever. It’s a guinea pig, a rather fat and strange rodent that parents tend to buy for kids instead of a dog. This particular guinea pig is the same width from his fat little cheeks down to his piggy arse.

That makes the pig perfect to play a deliciously starchy side dish. Stuff him in some foil and put a pat of butter on his pack and boom… behold the Pigtato. I wonder if the chubby little rascal ended up eating that butter.

I’m sort of hungry for a baked potato topped with pulled pork now.

[via Reddit]

Steampunk Guinea Pig Wings: Because Etsy

Turn your guinea pig into a steampunk superhero with these awesome leather and brass wings. Silvia Ferreira makes custom steampunk clothing and owns SkyPirate Creations. She wants to outfit your furry little pet in adorable superhero/fantasy wear.

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The cooling fan in the center is a nice touch, because guinea pigs apparently tend to overheat. I’m not sure why that is, since I have never seen one get any exercise.

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Now you can prepare your pet for a future where guinea pigs take to the skies and battle each other among zeppelins and bi-planes, landing only for tasty snacks.

[via io9]

Dressed up Guinea Pigs Rule the Catwalk

Some pet owners love to humanize their pets by dressing them up in human clothes and accessories. From dogs to cats to rodents to reptiles – whatever pet you’ve got, someone out there has probably made clothes for them.

The latest animal to get the couture treatment is the guinea pig.

Guinea Pig Fashion

Guinea Pig Fashion is a store created by Japanese designer Maki Yamada. As the name clearly implies, it’s a shop that’s dedicated to providing guinea pig owners with fashionable wares for their fuzzy pets. In stock are ninja costumes, tank tops, kimonos, and frilly dresses.

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You can even hold your own guinea pig wedding since Maki’s store has tiny wedding dresses and tuxes.

[via Laughing Squid]