Can legislation fix gaming’s loot box problem?

Last year's gaming controversy has turned into this year's legislative battleground. Fans were outraged when Star Wars: Battlefront II launched with buyable loot boxes that unbalanced multiplayer combat, and other games like Need For Speed: Payback a...

FCC: Officer behind Hawaii false missle alert thought it was real

The FCC has published the preliminary findings of its investigation into Hawaii's false missile alert, and it suggests that the story didn't play out as you might have heard. Where initial reports claimed the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency office...

FCC investigates Hawaii’s false missile alert

It's not just state officials who are investigating Hawaii's false alarm over a (thankfully non-existent) missile attack. FCC Chairman Ajit Pai has confirmed that the regulator's investigation into the error is "well underway." While Pai shied away...

False alarm: Emergency alert in Hawaii claims ‘missile inbound’

A few minutes ago, phones across Hawaii received the above emergency alert about a "ballistic missile threat inbound," but according to state officials it isn't true. US Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, Hawaii's governer David Ige and the state's Hawaii Emergency...