The naked truth about Facebook’s revenge porn tool

Facebook has announced it's trialling a tool in Australia to fight revenge porn on its platform, one that requires victims to send the company a copy of the violating images. Amazingly, this is true, and not a Clickhole story. It's the kind of thing...

Why Equifax’s error wasn’t hiring someone with a music degree

In the wake of the Equifax breach, a significant number of people lost their minds this week upon discovering that one of its newly-deposed security executives has a degree in music composition. Despite 14 years of experience as a security profession...

How hateful alt-right trolls hijacked your timeline

You don't need to get attacked by a pro-Trump troll-bot horde to know that social media is a battleground for propaganda farms. It's pretty obvious, and miles of speculative digital ink has been spilled saying as much. An Oxford study this week is ge...

The hot new cyberattack that’s sweeping the nation

On Tuesday a powerful and terrifying new cyberattackworm emerged in Ukraine, quickly spreading to the Russian federation and other countries no one cared enough to report on because they weren't the US. It was hard to tell which infection was worse:...

Oliver Stone’s unhealthy treatment of hacking in Hollywood

What's so compelling about Oliver Stone's recent four-part interview series with Vladimir Putin is probably not what the multi-Oscar-winning director intended. It's the same thing that makes his Snowden biopic its own sort of cipher after the fact....

Now doctors need to be hackers, too

As far as anyone knows, there hasn't been a real-life hack attack on someone's pacemaker. Which is surprising. Security researchers have shown us that it's a very real possibility. Even the FTC has been urging connected medical device makers to adopt...

Trump’s cybersecurity order delivers nothing but more surveillance

Remember that cybersecurity Executive Order we anticipated from the Trump administration, which seemed to quietly disappear in January? The already-delayed deadline for Trump's EO on "the cyber" and his promise to create a Cyber Review Team passed l...

The enduring myth of the hacker boy-band

Last week, Wired magazine published a sprawling feature on a group of young hackers the magazine claimed would "make us or break us" with their "exceptional talent." The article fawningly profiled each member of a group of Northeastern University col...