Inventive Intravenous


The Nu-Drip saline bag design is so well designed in such a blatantly obvious way, I’m a little dumbfounded that no one has ever thought of it before. Saline bags come with various paraphernalia that really don’t add to the portability of the solution. You tend to associate the saline bag with that cumbersome metal pole upon which it hangs. In no way does that appear even remotely functional to me.

The Nu-Drip saline bag gets rid of that metal eyesore and takes on a more unique design that goes around your neck like a neck pillow. At first glance it looks like a wonderful solution, and I’d be very interested in knowing how feasible it is from a medical standpoint. I’m sure you would too!

Designers: Wang Yu-Chi and Huang Yu-Man.





IV Made Easy

However useful, IV units can and do become dangerous when neglected. In serious cases, the back-flow of blood from gravity can cause tremendous pain, phlebitis and bruising. With a little help from tablet tech, the E-Drip Stand aims to heighten awareness of each individual IV. The stand itself detects the weight of the bag and relays real-time status to the caretaker’s smart device, also alerting when it’s time to change bags. Rooms and patients are easily identified via a graphic map on the screen, making the nurse rounds more efficient and effective.

Designers: Lee,Yin-Kai, Lai,Chih-Wei, Wang, Szu-Hsin, Huang Yu-Chang

Yanko Design
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(IV Made Easy was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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IV Made Easy

It’s no wonder that getting an IV at the hospital is scary for a lot of people- it looks scary, can be painful, and often takes more than once to get it right! The Medical Feather is an innovative gadget that uses ultrasound technology to find the vein and mark it with a patch that helps nurses guide the needle to the right spot each time. The cooled patch desensitizes the skin so minimal pain is involved and also acts as a blinder, keeping the needle-to-skin action out of sight so the patient stays calm.

Designer: Adrian Borsoï

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs - Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
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(IV Made Easy was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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