Apple’s parental controls prevent kids from searching for ‘Asian’ things

Apple has spent years ensuring its smartphones and tablets can be safely used by kids, but some of its family-friendly content controls are over-zealous — and seemingly prejudiced. According to a report from The Independent today, content controls bu...

How Android Beats the iPhone

We know that there has been a long rival between the iPhone devices as well as the Android devices. To be honest, we have no idea where this all came from, but we still love the phones that we use, and we are more than willing to entertain them as long we are getting devices that are getting better with each passing day. Talking of devices which are better, we have some pointers we think that the Android has managed to make its mark in the world of mobile phones. And these are just some of the ways that Android…

The post How Android Beats the iPhone appeared first on Trendy Gadget.