Laowa 24mm f/14 Relay Macro Lens Lets You Get Really up Close and Personal

If you are insecure with your manhood, you probably shouldn’t purchase the Laowa 24mm f/14 Relay 2x Macro lens. After all, it looks like a rearly long penis. I mean it truly is the most phallic of all photography products ever made. The manufacturer says that the odd shape is to allow you to get closer to shy subjects without scaring them.


I think it could also work quite nicely as a sword if you should ever need to defend your honor on location. “Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You photographed my father. Prepare to die.” Lord help any six-fingered photographers in the area.


Also, if Darth Vader were to take up photography, he would use this macro lens.


This is a real product, and will hit stores next year. It will be offered in Canon or Nikon mounts, and is full-frame compatible. Pricing is unannounced at this point.

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[via ePhotozine]