Now You Can Smoke Your Beverages Instead of Drink Them with Le Whaf

Why do people drink? Usually it’s because they’re thirsty. But sometimes, it’s just to taste whatever it is they’re drinking – and appreciating that taste. And what better way to do that than by taking whiffs of it so you’ll keep wanting more? Le Whaf has come up with a totally unusual yet awesome way to enjoy your drinks: by turning them into vapors that you’re supposed to sip through straws.

Here’s a video showing the Le Whaf and some of their awesome smokey beverages:

The people look a bit strange, drinking “smoke” and all that, but it seems like a pretty neat idea, plus it cuts down on the calories big time. Extremely novel too, although it’s a bit pricey at €129 (~$160 USD).

[via Gadget Review]