A PB&J Bottle Of Old Fashioned


When it comes to putting things in our mouths, we’re big fans of big bold tastes. That’s why we are such big fans of bacon. But the tasty cured meat isn’t the only flavour that gets our buds going. The peanut butter and jelly combination is a staple in any kid’s lunch box, and for good reason: that stuff is tasty! Now that you’ve grown up, you might be interested in the Peanut Butter and Jam Old Fashioned instead.

– Warming tasty bourbon with notes of peanut butter and jam
– Sweetened using homemade raspberry syrup
– Salted with pink Himalayan rock salt
– Each burly bottle is labelled and corked by hand in East London
– Dipped in a delicious raspberry-scented wax seal
– Even better than the legendary sandwich

It’s already mixed and ready to drink, either neat or on the rocks. Just do yourself a favour and enjoy this libation by itself and not mixed with some orange juice or some other monstrosity. You will be paying £39.99 ($56USD) for the privilege after all.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ TheAwesomer ]

Forensic Scientist Reconstructs Crystal Head Vodka Man


You’ve probably seen a bottle of Crystal Head Vodka at your local liquor store. Most of you probably thought “huh, cool gimmick!” and moved on. But forensic scientist/artist Nigel, from Scotland, took that thought a step further and wondered what the CHV man would look like. He then took it upon himself to reconstruct the flesh around the skull, using techniques that have been employed with real cadavers over the years. The result is a creepy smiling man that looks oddly reminiscent of Willem Dafoe. Or something. Point is, we now have a face to the skull, and once you see these pics, you’ll never be able to look at Crystal Head Vodka the same way again.

Hit the jump for all the pics.






[ Crystal Head Vodka Facebook Page ] VIA [ ThatsNerdALicious ]

Jägermeister Shot Machine Does All The Work For You


Some people are really into Jägermeister. Last week at the bar, it was shot after shot after shot of the stuff, not for this editor, but for the barely-conscious college kids trying to be cool nearby. Given its popularity, stands to reason maybe some of you want to have the same kind of fun at home. The Jägermeister Shotmeister accepts a 750ml or 1L bottle, chills the liquid to sub-zero temperatures, and dispenses it from a tap. You can make your place feel like your favourite bar, at least when it comes to pouring this spicy elixir. It’s $200 for the privilege.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Uncrate ]

Doctor Who TARDIS Liquor Cabinet

tardis liquor cabinet Doctor Who TARDIS Liquor Cabinet
It’s liquor on the inside (rimshot). Get your British Sci-Fi TV series inebriation game on the right way with this DIY TARDIS liquor cabinet. Impressively stocked but no matter how many bottles you drink, you can always just go back in time to get more. What do Time Lord’s like to drink anyway- whiskey? Great idea if (like me) you just happened to have built yourself a giant wooden police call box and didn’t know what to put in it. (via reddit)

Doctor Who TARDIS Liquor Cabinet

TARDIS Liquor Cabinet: Jigger on the Inside

There’s actually a bar in Brooklyn that has its very own TARDIS, but if you want one in your house instead, I think I like this idea even better. Unofficially dubbed the “Party TARDIS” by Redditor imonfirex727, it’s a work of geeky wonder.

tardis liquor cabinet

This TARDIS liquor cabinet is loaded with booze – presumably acquired by the Doctor during various trips through time and space. Somewhere along the way, he even picked up a smaller TARDIS and an even tinier Dalek, and stores them in the cabinet for safe-keeping. I’ve heard that the Davros 30-year single malt is quite a treat.

[via Cheezburger via Geeky Gadgets]