Paris Mayor to sue Fox News

In recent news after the Paris tragedy, that took place at Charlie Hebdo, Fox News had been displaying maps that supposedly indicated no-go zones around Paris.These no-go zones were areas that...

James Woods turns guns on Al Sharpton for NYPD Cop Deaths

It was tragic to learn for anyone that two dedicated New York cops were attacked and killed on the streets. Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu were shot by Ismaaiyl Brinsley and while all people in higher...

George Clooney to Impose Privacy Laws for his Wedding

It’s obvious that George Clooney doesn’t like people snooping around in his private life. The liberal actor requested an Italian Mayor to put harsh laws into effect in his town so that Clooney may...

NYC Teacher Contract to be Signed for 9 Years

A billion dollar contract is about to get signed between the NYC teacher’s union and the governmental setup of Mayor Bill de Blasio. Things had been pending since the previous Mayor Michael Bloomberg...

Barbara Walters Day Declared

As the two appeared on The View, they appeared to be a very charming couple. In the capacity of a proud interracially married duo, Mayor de Blasio and his wife Chirlane McCray are the perfect example...

Katie Couric Debuts as Yahoo News Global Anchor on Friday

Marissa Mayer has made some wise decisions besides the shopping sprees she made for her giant startup’s sake. As CEO of Yahoo, she has a responsibility that she takes very seriously. Recently, the...