Disco Ball Motorcycle Helmet Might Not Keep You Stayin’ Alive in a Crash

While I’m not really sure that covering a bike helmet with razor-sharp glass mirror tiles exactly adds to its safety capabilities, you still have to love the looks of this awesome disco ball helmet.

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Instructables contributor Natalina encrusted this helmet with hundreds of tiny mirror squares – just like the ones in an actual mirror ball. Though these ones came with fabric backing to make it a little easier. The mirror tiles perfectly reflect light like the real deal, so she can actually keep it on when she gets off her bike to hit the dance floor.

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Natalia says that since she went with the real glass tiles for optimum reflection, but that she wouldn’t recommend using it for actual motorcycle riding though. You could always go with safer acrylic mirrors, but they won’t shine as much. If you’d like to know how to make your own Disco Ball helmet, boogie (oogie oogie) on over to Instructables now.