Sony takes on cable companies with PlayStation Vue

Playstation Vue 1

Sony gets ready to jump into an untapped market for them, by articulating TV services and all the power of the PlayStation brand. This is Sony’s on-demand TV offering.

When the Xbox One launched, it seemed that all they could do was repeat “TV” in every single phrase, as if the console was built around it. Yet, it is now their honorable competition, Sony, who are announcing their plans to launch an internet-based TV service, starting with a small, private beta in New York city which will launch in early 2015.

As of now, the service is being referred as PlayStation Vue, and provide on-demand television as well as features like cloud recording and a practical UI that articulates well with the PlayStation experience. Reportedly, many major broadcasters (CBS, Fox and NBC amongst others) are already on board, so they are off to a good start. Furthermore, there is also a group of cable networks that are also working with Sony, namely Syfy, Fox Sports, Nickelodeon, Comedy Central, and MTV amongst many, many others. The big absentees from this project are Disney-owned channels, HBO (no surprise here, HBO is getting ready to launch their own service and target users directly, cutting every middle-man), and ESPN.

The interesting thing about PlayStation Vue is that Sony’s plan doesn’t just end on their video game consoles; while this service will be available on both PS3 and PS4s around the world, Sony is also targeting Apple’s massive userbase with an iPad app, with more devices coming soon. Also, it would be silly of them to not include Sony’s line of Smart TVs and their PlayStation TV and Vita as devices too.

While this all sounds wonderful and very interesting, the service is not going to be commercially available for at least a couple more months, and the pricing remains to be disclosed. Still, gamers seemed pretty unhappy about their PlayStation Now price ranges where in some cases renting and streaming a game was more expensive than actually buying it. If PlayStation Vue is going to succeed, it has got to be because Sony revised some of their pricing policies.

Via Giga Om

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Strange and scary: someone created a portable PlayStation TV mod


Wouldn’t it be awesome if your PlayStation TV could become portable? What do you mean that is exactly what a PS Vita is?

In one of the strangest twists in the history of gaming, Sony’s portable console, the PS Vita became a home console too. At the same time, someone out there thought “you know what would be great? If the PS Vita TV was portable”.

And so it came to pass, the niche portable gone home console became portable again thanks to Gametech’s idea of plugging the console itself to a case, attaching HDMI and AC connectors, and getting it ready for the go. In the end, this ends up being slightly smaller than a Wii U GamePad, and almost as expensive as one too at 23,000 yen (roughly $200 USD).


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PlayStation TV Launching October 14 For North America

PlayStation TV box image

Sony’s set-top box that provides instant access to a variety of PlayStation content is headed to North America next month.

October 14 is the North American release of the PlayStation TV. For $99 USD, the Sony gadget is a set-top box where you can play games from the PlayStation Vita, PlayStation Classics, the PlayStation 3 (through PS Now), and the PlayStation 4 via Remote Play.

Sony promises “nearly 700 games” will be available to download and play in the United States and Canada when the device launches. Although, some PS Vita titles won’t be able to make the “PS TV compatible” jump due to their use of hardware-specific gameplay, say using the Vita’s back-touch in Tearaway for example.

The list is still ample though, and will feature popular PS Vita titles: God of War Collection, Persona 4 Golden, Killzone Mercenary, and many more. And if you’re looking for a cheap way to dig through the PlayStation’s back catalogue, which consists of both PlayStation One and PlayStation Portable outings, the PS TV should do just nicely.

With PlayStation Now, Sony’s video game streaming service, the PlayStation TV will also be able to play select PlayStation 3 titles, provided, of course, if you have a sturdy and speedy broadband internet connection.

Lastly, if you own a PlayStation 4 (over 10 million worldwide sold say, yes, you probably do), then the PlayStation TV will allow for Remote Play. But instead of staring at a small screen, as with Remote Play on Vita, users can stream and play PS4 games from their main display to another, and control them with a synced DualShock4.

The PlayStation TV, aside from it’s $99 standalone version, will also come available in a system bundle that includes the box itself, a DualShock3 controller, an 8GB memory card, and The LEGO Movie Videogame. Another bundle, exclusive to Walmart retailers, reportedly has Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time instead; both available for $139.99 USD.

Source: GameSpot

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PlayStation TV Coming to US This Fall for $99

Also termed Vita TV in Japan, the PlayStation TV is an asset possessed by Sony that is bound to earn it much name and fame on the international scene. A far more all-rounded approach is about to...

Sony PlayStation TV Coming to the U.S. and Canada

Sony PlayStation TVSony announced at the 2014 E3 conference the release of the Playstation TV to the U.S. and Canada, but did not provide an exact release date, yet. The Playstation TV is a small media streaming device, not unlike the Apple TV allowing users to stream digital media to a connected TV.

The media device from Sony has already been released in Japan and will allow a user to stream their PS4 to another TV, along with allowing play of Vita, PS1 and PSP games. This would give owners of the Playstation TV access to over 1,000 games.

Sony is pricing the Playstation TV at $99 by itself or for $140 bundled with a DualShock 3 controller, 8GB memory card, an HDMI cable and the LEGO Movie: The Video Game.

via Mercury News