Poke Ball Pizza Cutter: Pepperoni! I Chews You!

Being a geek, I don’t cut my pizza with a normal knife or pizza cutter from Walmart – that would be lame. I have a sweet Starship Enterprise pizza cutter that I prefer. If you geek bent leans more towards Nintendo than Star Trek, this Poke Ball pizza cutter is just the thing to cut your favorite pie.

The cutter has a case that covers it fully so you don’t cut yourself digging around in the drawer. It is dishwasher safe and the back case is hinged so the blade can come out for cleaning. That’s the biggest downside to my Enterprise pizza cutter, where the blade spins, it always catches cheese and grease inside.

Pokémon fans can catch one of these sweet pizza wheels over at ThinkGeek for $14.99(USD).

Target Turns Big Red Balls Outside Stores into Giant Poké Balls

I go into Target every now and again when I am in a hurry, don’t mind spending a few extra bucks, and don’t want to stand in the line at Walmart. If you’ve ever noticed, Target locations always have those big red balls out front that are mostly just things for kids to climb on.

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I assume they are really meant to give you a place to hide from that 80-year-old lady who gets confused between the gas and brake, if you don’t want to get squished. Now, Target is taking those red balls and is turning them into giant Poké Balls in an effort to seem more hip.

They may be a bit late to the party with recent reports showing that the popularity of Pokémon GO is on the decline. Still giant Poké Balls are cooler to look at than plain red balls and either one will keep said old lady from crushing you with her car.

[via Polygon via Nerd Approved]