Ultra-sensitive radio telescope debuts in South Africa

Another piece of the Square Kilometer Array's puzzle just fell into place. South Africa has officially switched on MeerKAT, billed as the most sensitive radio telescope of its type on the planet. Some parts of the array have been gathering data, but...

Radio telescopes show theory of gravity holds in extreme situations

Radio telescopes have been crucial to some crucial discoveries regarding the nature of the universe. Now, though, they're verifying the basic rules of the cosmos. An international group of astronomers has shown that Einstein's theory of gravity hol...

Hurricane Maria wreaks havoc on Arecibo radio telescope

Puerto Rico is suffering on an unimaginable scale in the wake of Hurricane Maria. Many have been displaced from their homes, and the entire territory may go without electricity and reliable communication for months. And while the human tragedy is cle...

Black hole detection is becoming much easier

It's still relatively difficult to spot black holes (after all, they trap light), but it may be relatively commonplace in the near future. An international team of researchers has developed a detection technique that should identify a more frequent...