Sunflower Chair Lets You Sow the Seeds of Knowledge While You Sit

What do you do on your lazy days? As for me, I love curling up in bed with a good book and reading until I fall asleep – not because the book is boring (I did say it was a good book) but because I’ve done nothing but read all day. An alternative to bed? The Sunflower Chair designed by He Mu and Zhang Qian.

Sunflower ChairIt’s obvious why the designers chose to name it so, and it’s the “petals” part that makes the chair so awesome. It’s the chair that’ll knock bookworms off of their feet. The design lets you stack your favorite books into each compartment and seat yourself in the middle so you can start reading to your heart’s content, and grab another book without having to get up from the seat.

The Sunflower Chair is an award-winning chair too, as it was awarded the “Redtory Design Award” for the 5th “Design for Sitting” Grand Prix.

[via Chair Blog]