Google+ adds card UI and larger cover photos to mobile site

Google adds card UI and larger cover photos to mobile site

Google has been spending quite a lot of time tweaking, streamlining and generally beautifying the interface of its "social backbone." But while the mobile apps and desktop site have seen near constant updates, the mobile Google+ site has languished slightly behind. Today Mountain view is delivering a little bit of parity for those on platforms that don't have an official app, such as Windows Phone 8 and BlackBerry 10. The update brings the new card UI to the phone-focused version, along with easier to see and tap +1 and re-share buttons. The updated profile experience is also going mobile, with large cover photos and more touch friendly icons coming to both personal profiles and pages. There's no need to wait patiently while this rolls out either: the new mobile Google+ site is already live.

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Source: Google+

Bridal Brokerage Recycles Weddings So Someone Else Can Buy Your “Special” Day

People fall in and out of love all the time. Unfortunately, some couples decide to break up after making all sorts of wedding plans and preparations. Not only is that exceptionally heartbreaking, it also results in a whole lot of wasted time and money.

So many weddings are getting canceled every year (over 250,000!) that it has caused services like Bridal Brokerage to emerge.

Bridal BrokerageBridal Brokerage basically buys cancelled weddings and sells them to interested buyers who are hoping to put together a wedding within a short period of time. It’s a win-win-win situation, at least according to the wedding brokers: sellers get their deposits back, suppliers enjoy uninterrupted business, and the buyers can purchase pre-planned weddings at lower prices.

It’s an interesting business but the whole thing is pretty sad at the same time. One good thing (if there’s any to be found) regarding the sheer number of cancelled weddings is that at least the couples who broke up before tying the knot won’t end up getting a divorce a couple of weeks or months later.

[via Neatorama]