You Know You Want It: HAL 9000 Life-Size Replica

HAL 9000 Replica

Remember HAL 9000 from Space Odyssey? No? Well, let me jog your memory. HAL 9000 was the malfunctioning AI that decided to murder a crew of astronauts who were planning to disconnect it. That’s where the fun begins (for the viewers, I mean, and not for the astronauts.) HAL was voted as one of the greatest movie villains of all time, and now you can actually own it–well, a replica of it–once it’s back in stock on ThinkGeek.

The retailer boasts that their $500 ‘life-size’ replica is the most accurate replica of the HAL 9000 ever made, and understandably so: it was built using 1967 blueprints as a guide, and they were even able to get the original image files for the labels. Aside from looking the part, the replica is able to speak 15 different phrases as a response to voice and IR remotes.

This HAL 9000 replica doesn’t cheap, but nothing good ever does, right?

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Buzz Patrol ]

Tokyoflash Sci-Fi Concept Watch: The Time is the Future

I like to know the exact time, since most of the time I’m either running late or trying to get somewhere at a specific time. However, that doesn’t mean that I always need to know the time, right down to the millisecond. Despite its minimal display this futuristic watch will tell time in minute intervals, which should be enough for most of us.

space odyssey tokyoflash watch led

The Sci-Fi Inspired concept watch was designed by a guy named Alan, and his concept is inspired specifically by two films: 2001: A Space Odyssey and TRON:Legacy. You can readily see both influences in the design.

space odyssey tokyoflash watch led side

The square LED face is set into a metal case and has segmented metal band to go with. The outer circle tells the time in 5 minute blocks while the middle circle represents the hours. If you need to get a more exact reading of the time, the middle blocks are each for 1-minute, so the watch can be precise when it needs to be.

space odyssey tokyoflash watch led legend

For now, this watch is a concept, but head on over to Tokyflash to vote for it, if you like it. If it gets enough support, it just might get made by the Japanese studio.

space odyssey tokyoflash watch led black