Drones Perform Trick Shots

Filmmaker Devin Graham and Cinechopper got together to perform some cool trick shots using drones. Cinechopper customized the drones to carry and drop bowling balls, which allowed them to do some stuff in a bowling alley and much more.

Then they took the drones outside to do things like drop basketballs through hoops, catch wiffle balls with a net, and even destroy a snowman. Could this be the first step toward drone sports?

In the future, they won’t need humans at all. They will just do all of their trick shots on their own, while humans pay to watch them do their thing. This definitely looks like a lot of fun.

[via Laughing Squid]

Amazing Oreo Trick Shots

While I am calling BS on most of these Oreo trick shots, because the guy is doing stuff that would likely break the cookie and make it crumble, it is still pretty amazing and awesome that this guy can perform so many cool trick shots.

oreo_trick_shots_1zoom in

Peter Bamforth has what it takes to dunk Oreos in all kinds of creative ways. He has a steady hand and lots of Oreo cookies. I don’t know how many ways you can dunk an Oreo into a glass of milk, but this guy has you beat.

This video has some really impressive shots, but like I said there is no way that a lot of these are real. I suspect some fake Oreos were used along the way. It’s still entertaining though and fun enough to try at home if you dare.

[via Neatorama]