Jim Carrey Calls Out California Governor

This has been happening a lot lately, but in the past year especially, California has had quite a few problems with disease outbreaks due to parents not vaccinating their children. Some of these...

Meningitis vaccinations requirements around the world

This week, meningitis vaccinations made global news as the United States and United Kingdom looked to combat the rising tide of deaths. Officials are focusing on children, teenagers, and marginalized...

Expect More Victims of Disneyland Measles Outbreak

Thanks to visitors at Disneyland in California, America is facing a measles outbreak that hasn't been seen in a very long. Measles are entirely preventable through vaccinations, but many older adults...

Jenny McCarthy: I’m certainly not against Vaccines

Jenny McCarthy has a few things she wants to clear up before people start talking behind her back. She is not an anti-vaccine fanatic. View co-host has gone on record to say that we all ought to...

Whooping Cough: Pertussis Cases are on the Rise

Whooping cough disease, also called pertussis, brings on fits of coughing in the sufferer. This disease can last for weeks in both kids and adults. But it is a life-threatening disease for babies. "...

Whooping Cough Vaccination is a Must

Whooping cough disease, also called pertussis, brings on fits of coughing in the sufferer. This disease can last for weeks in both kids and adults. But it is a life-threatening disease for babies. "...

Jenny McCarthy Criticized on Twitter

Jenny McCarthy got an unexpected series of tweets when she asked the question: what do you look for in a mate?What is the most important personality trait you look for in a mate? Reply using #...