No Baskets Were Harmed in the Weaving of This Awesome Wicker-Covered Car

Weaving is both an art and a learned skill. Given the fact that I cannot weave anything decent to save my life, I have utmost respect for weavers who know their craft, like Nigerian artisan Ojo Obaniyi from Ibadan.

Ojo is so good at weaving that he’s taken on the ultimate challenge for weavers: covering an entire car with wicker.

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Images © Reuters/Akintunde Akinleye

Did he succeed? I think it’s pretty obvious that he did. It’s a huge feat for the likes of you and me, but it was probably easy as pie for Ojo, who’s been in the weaving business for the past 20 years.

Wicker Car

Aside from covering every inch of the exterior of his Volkswagen pickup truck with raffia palm cane, he’s also weaved wicker into the interior seats, dashboard, and steering wheel of the vehicle.

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Ojo explains: “I wanted to prove a point that it is not only the educated elite that can make positive changes in society. we, the artisans also have talents to effect a change and make a positive impact in the society. that is why I decided that I too must do something that will make people to recognize me and know me across the whole world and by extension prove to the world that African and indeed the entire black race have very talented people.”

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I think he succeeded in doing that and more with this amazing project.

[via designboom]