The new ‘Zelda’ DLC is all about exploration and survival

The Nintendo Switch is a neat little console -- but its debut was almost overshadowed by its flagship launch game: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. The game was lauded as a long overdue evolution on the Zelda formula, and it deserved the prai...

Nintendo is releasing Amiibo for a ‘Legend of Zelda’ add-on

Nintendo doesn't just want you to download add-on content for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild... it wants you to snap up more figurines, too. The gaming giant has unveiled four Amiibo designed with the DLC (most notably The Champion's Ballad)...

‘Breath of the NES’ is a retro ‘Zelda’ fan project destined to die

While you wait for something else to play on your Switch (might I suggest looking into TumbleSeed?), you could kill some time with Breath of the NES. As the name suggests, the fan-project was inspired by Nintendo's 8-bit Breath of the Wild prototype...

‘Breath of the Wild’ creators explain how they bucked tradition

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild isn't just the series' best game in years, it's also unlike any title in the series -- it's an open-world experience where you're free to find your own solutions to challenges. But just how did Nintendo manage...