Just Some Hot Wheels Cars Playing Music on a Xylophone

If you are a fan of both the xylophone and Hot Wheels cars, check this out. The guys from 5MadMovieMakers launched a bunch of classic Ford Mustang Hot Wheels into xylophone bars that are hung over parallel tracks, each playing a note as they crash into them.

So there you go. Hot Wheels are now a musical instrument. Pack up your set of cars and hit up your music teacher kids. See how far that gets you.

As cool as it looks, it did not all happen in a single take, and the video was edited together to play all 374 notes. If you are really digging it, you can listen to it without car sounds here. Now we just need someone to set up a continuous track that makes music all day without having to edit it. It’s a pretty nice sound, but it wouldn’t take long for that music to drive me crazy though.

Maybe Hot Wheels can package some cool new sets that make music. Not a bad idea, but again, they would probably drive parents nuts, and the sets would mysteriously disappear from their kid’s rooms.

[via Geekologie]

This Cup Has A Ring To It

In an attempt to make life simpler for those with sight disabilities, designer Soon-sik Choi offers an effortless solution to the task of filling a cup. When the cup is almost full the handle makes a distinct ‘ring’ sound. The audio cue of the Xylophone Cup is a good enough warning for the user to know that the cup is almost to the brim and to stop pouring more liquid.

Designer: Soon-sik Choi

Yanko Design
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(This Cup Has A Ring To It was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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Better Music in Wood

Tinka-tune takes a very different approach towards music creation. The design interface hopes to create an honest link between the user and music using low-technology and timeless mechanisms. As Phil explains, “The concept’s prototypes focus on designing a musical note with a resonant + adjustable tone, and a simple modular mounting system.” The final design imbibes an educational value of composing music with tactile feedback, aided with color-coordinated keys and a starter song booklet. At the end of the day you get innately creative and visceral musical experience.

Designer: Phil So

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs - Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Yanko Design Store - We are about more than just concepts. See what's hot at the YD Store!
(Better Music in Wood was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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