What is the Leia Display System? Well, it’s… Cool.

Leia Display SystemWithin the next five years we may have holographic telephone systems akin to the Dejarik game in Star Wars (you know... the one with the little monsters... "Let the Wookiee win").  I don't know about you, but I can't wait!

So, Will the Perfect Bacon Bowl Provide Deliciousness? Let’s Find Out!

Bacon BowlI love bacon.  I don't mean just "love".  I mean I love it as much as I love cheese.  If cheese and bacon were to get into a fight I would jump in to mediate because I wouldn't want either of them hurt.  I would encourage peace amongst dairy and pork products and usher a new era a prosperity and, yes... love.  Then I would eat them both.  But, I digress.  The idea of the Perfect Bacon Bowl is intriging.  But does it deliver deliciousness?