Don’t Want Candy? 40 Fun Creative Gifts To Fill Your Easter Basket

0 Fun Creative Gifts To Fill Your Easter BasketIf you’re looking for a sugar free Easter this year, look no further (after you read this list, that is).  I've searched  high and low to provide you with this ultimate list of 40 awesome, creative and unique non candy Easter basket stuffers for kids.

Give Your Valentine A Bronzed Sculpture Of Your Anus This Year

Bronze Anus Sculpture

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and people are scrambling for unique, creative gift ideas for their significant others.  What could be more unique and creative than a bronze sculpture of your anus?

So you want the perfect gift to symbolize the deep intimacy between you and your partner.  I think deep and intimate are the perfect words to describe British artist Magnus Irvin’s anus art.

10 Fun Kitchen Gadgets for Horror Lovers That Are To Die For

Fred and Friends Sharp Act Knife Sharpener

If you’re a lover of Halloween, scary movies, and all things freaky, gory, and bizarre, check out these 10 must have kitchen gadgets for horror lovers.

These products are a scream.  Read on...if you dare.

Top 10 Ridiculously Fun Bearded Gift Ideas For Movember

Beardski Ski Mask"No Shave November" is upon us.  This Movember, show off your beard and/or mustache pride with some of these Top 10 Rdiculous Bearded Movember Gift Ideas.

10 Punny Gifts For Witty Word Lovers

Punny Gift IdeasThere's nothing quite like a punny gift to make that special word lover in your life crack a smile.  With holidays just around the corner, I've compiled a list of quirky items so literal they're punny to put on your list.