Russia launches the world’s first floating nuclear power plant

Multiple nations, including China and the US, have pursued offshore or floating nuclear reactors, but neither will be first to christen one. Russia has launched the world's first floating nuclear power plant, the 70-megawatt Academik Lomonosov, on th...

EPA wants to roll back Obama-era auto efficiency guidelines

Under the Obama administration, the EPA instituted a set of goals for automakers aimed at improving vehicle efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The terms state that companies have until 2025 to get their fuel efficiencies up to a fleet...

Trump’s science and tech report focuses on deregulation

Today, the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) released a report on what it considers to be the Trump administration's achievements in advancing science and tech over the past year. "The Trump administration is committed to advancing techn...

Trump reportedly seeks massive budget cuts to clean energy research

The Trump administration has made it very clear that it is pro fossil fuels and has little interest in pushing programs the promote renewable energy. Now, the Washington Post reports that the president's proposed 2019 budget slashes funds for Energy...