Daenerys Targaryen: Mother of Sodium

I’ve turned into a big fan of Game of Thrones over the last few weeks. I have streamed all the episodes of the series from about season three, leading all the way up to the new season coming out this month. I am looking forward to seeing what happens to Daenerys after all Dothraki found her when she wandered away from her dragon.

The artist you see here working on this incredibly realistic portrait of Daenerys is called DinoTomic, who also goes by AtomiccircuS on DeviantArt. The portrait looks like chalk on black paper or something, but he actually made using salt.

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Yes, you read that right pure table salt is all that was used to make this art, and it is incredible. Watch the video to see the whole process, it is very cool. Though I was bummed to see him wipe it all away at the end.

[via Kotaku]

Amazing Daenerys Targaryen Painting: Mother of Museum Quality Art

This painting of Daenerys Targaryen, the mother of dragons, is simply stunning. You just want to stare at it. This masterpiece was created by New York-based artist Sam Spratt, who usually develops art pieces for clients. Thank goodness he sorted out his priorities and shifted his attention to Game of Thrones.

daenerys targaryen painting by sam spratt 1 620x950magnify

Have you ever seen Daenerys looking so beautiful? Well, yeah, she’s always beautiful, but this painting is just amazing. You can check out a close-up below. Sam said he had a lot of fun painting all of that loose wispy hair.

daenerys targaryen painting by sam spratt 2a 620x620magnify

It is a stunning piece of geek art. Take a moment to rest your internet-weary eyes and admire it before her dragons burn you to a crisp and fight over your carcass.

[via Laughing Squid via Nerd Approved]

16 Sexy Artworks of A Song of Ice and Fire Characters


Sexiest character in the world of a Song of Ice and Fire? It depends where your imagination runs, and where you take the descriptions of GRRM, or what artwork you ...
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