Alice in Wonderland Door Knob Lets You into Bedroomland

I watched plenty of Disney cartoons growing up and while many of them were sad, I liked most of them. One of the Disney cartoons I hated was Alice in Wonderland. I found that cartoon very creepy with the Cheshire Cat that clearly wanted you dead and a queen that wanted to lop off your head.

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For some reason, the thought of inanimate objects coming to life and talking to you is very creepy to me, which is why one of the parts of that cartoon that sticks out in my mind is the talking doorknob. Some of you might like Alice in Wonderland and if you are turning your bedroom or a kid’s room into something Disney themed, this is the doorknob for you.

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It looks just like the talking knob from the movie, and it actually works. It’s available to purchase on Etsy for $85(USD) and it’s made from some sort of resin material that promises to last.

[via Nerd Approved]

Door Handle for Dummies

Admit it- you’ve approached a door and had trouble figuring out whether to push or pull. Even though we’ve all experienced this, it can still be embarrassing! Here’s a solution: the Push/Pull Affordance Rotating Handle was developed from a series of cognitive tests that revealed a correlation between handle shape and the directional guess the user has to make. When the user sees its flat surface they will push, and when they see the pointed surface they will pull. It’s a simple concept, but oh-so-smart!

Designer: Tommaso Gecchelin

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(Door Handle for Dummies was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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