Taco Bell Sells DIY Ice Cream Tacos


In between GTA V missions, you might get tempted to eat a little something, and what better way to complement your gaming sessions than with a couple of ice cream tacos or nachos, courtesy of Taco Bell? Now available at Walmart, you get to pick between chocolate tacos with chocolate sauce and sprinkles, or cinnamon nachos with caramel sauce and toffee bits. It’s $3 for the kit, but as you can imagine, at that price the ice cream is not included.

VIA [ ThatNerdALicious ]

Rice Krispy Treats Zombie Wants You to.. Eat Its Jello Brains?

Zombie Rice Krispies Cake

Do zombies have brains? I used to think that they didn’t, considering the fact that they move like unthinking beings. At least, that’s what they do on The Walking Dead anyway. Note that I said I ‘used to’, because if this edible bust of a zombie is to be believed, then it means that the undead are walking around with a brain in their not-so-thick-skulls–a brain made of Jello.

Obviously, I only mean this extremely awesome-but-gruesome zombie cake that was made by the Artisan Cake Company using Rice Krispy Treats, fondant, petal dust, and a whole lot of food coloring.

Zombie Rice Krispies Cake1

Zombie Rice Krispies Cake2

Zombie Rice Krispies Cake3

VIA [ Obvious Winner ]

The Cake Hotel: A Sweet Escape for One Night Only

Cake Hotel

Hansel and Gretel’s gingerbread house has got nothing on the Cake Hotel. For one, the witch-made house in their story obviously can’t hold up to harsh outdoor conditions. It has pretty crappy interiors, too, considering the fact that it was pretty bare except for a huge oven (or cauldron–depending on which version of the story you’re reading) where the kids were supposed to be cooked in.

On the other hand, the Cake Hotel put up by refinery Tate and Lyle Sugars is all about comfort and luxury. The lush room was decorated with elaborate and edible trimmings and furnishings, with vanilla sponge cushions propped up on the bed and a hand-stitched meringue rug that you’re supposed to chew on, now walk on.

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Cake Hotel3

Cake Hotel4

The house with fudge-lined windows and macaron-ed walls was only open for a day as part of a PR exercise by Tate and Lyle Sugars. It may be just that to them, but I have a feeling that it’s a dream come true for others. Especially those with a particularly strong sweet tooth.

VIA [ Incredible Things ]

What Goes In Must Come Out: Rainbow Pasta Amidst Parmesan Clouds

Rainbow Pasta

As the title hinted, there are going to be some references to ass kabobs, so if you’re easily grossed out, then I suggest you just look at the pretty pictures and skip the not-so-pretty words.

You know how, as a kid, you’d wonder why you’d have bum nuggets that are black as coal or turds that are slightly greenish sometimes? At this point in your adulthood, you probably already know why your lumpy farts are that shade of gray: it’s all that damn coloring in your food! I’d normally stay away from food color bombs like the bowl of rainbow spaghetti you see pictured above–but St. Paddy’s day comes only once a year, and you know what they say about special occasions: it calls for special food, too.

Rainbow Pasta1

Rainbow Pasta2

Instructions on how to whip up your own batch of rainbow noodles can be found here. There are also instructions included on how to make those delectable Parmesan clouds as well.

Looks like you’ll find your pot of colorful gold, right in your bowl!

VIA [ Incredible Things ]

The PikaToast


Happy Monday! Now this is what I call a breakfast of the champions … get me some butter!

Spotted on kotaku, this cute PikaToast is truly toast art.

This toast art has become very popular in Japan and now you can see more and more sites and forums in which people post their yummy creations. For more awesome creations check out this site.

If Pikachu is ...
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