Captain America Themed Breakfast: Delicious & Patriotic


Breakfast is as good time as any to be proud of your country, so let the flag be the theme and driving force behind your meal.

The creator of this is Kitchen Overlord (what a name, right?), a geek with a culinary edge who managed to make his breakfast look ...
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What Goes In Must Come Out: Rainbow Pasta Amidst Parmesan Clouds

Rainbow Pasta

As the title hinted, there are going to be some references to ass kabobs, so if you’re easily grossed out, then I suggest you just look at the pretty pictures and skip the not-so-pretty words.

You know how, as a kid, you’d wonder why you’d have bum nuggets that are black as coal or turds that are slightly greenish sometimes? At this point in your adulthood, you probably already know why your lumpy farts are that shade of gray: it’s all that damn coloring in your food! I’d normally stay away from food color bombs like the bowl of rainbow spaghetti you see pictured above–but St. Paddy’s day comes only once a year, and you know what they say about special occasions: it calls for special food, too.

Rainbow Pasta1

Rainbow Pasta2

Instructions on how to whip up your own batch of rainbow noodles can be found here. There are also instructions included on how to make those delectable Parmesan clouds as well.

Looks like you’ll find your pot of colorful gold, right in your bowl!

VIA [ Incredible Things ]

Romanian Eco Art Made From Food


Romanian self-proclaimed eco artist Dan Cretu gave a new meaning to the phrase “playing with food.” Check the following images to see just how creative some people can get with their fruits and vegetables.

Just to make sure there’s no confusion here, I’ll say that not all Romanians are into creating ...
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The DaVinci Cupcake: Steampunk Sweets


DaVinci was a master in a lot of disciplines, but did you know he was also a master baker? Well, we didn’t either. All joking aside, look at the cupcake his work inspired.

From Washington, USA arrives the latest creation of the team at Mike’s Amazing Cakes: a cupcake inspired ...
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World’s First Pizza Vending Machine Looks Rad


What could be geekier than using a vending machine to get pizzas to munch on? Probably nothing. Let’s Pizza, London-based company has unveiled what is being touted as the world’s first pizza vending machine.

The vending machine lets you chomp on freshly baked pizzas with fresh and natural ingredients. It just ...
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