The LiteZilla Is Like a Giant Lite Brite

This is LiteZilla, which is a giant wall-sized interpretation of the classic kids’ toy that you can hang on the wall. The good news is that this really exists, the bad news is that a 5-foot wide by 4-foot-high LightZilla costs $10,000. What kid has that kind of money? Oh yeah, rich brats. I hate those kids. They get all of the cool toys.

There’s also an eight-foot-wide version for $15,500, so that these kids can go even bigger and spend more of their allowance. If I were them I would have my butler place the pegs in while I sit back and yell at him. Then I would have the other servants judge and make fun of his art. It’s what you do when you’re a rich kid.

Too bad I’ll never play with this unless I find it by the curb outside of some bored kid’s mansion. If you’re a rich kid, you can order yours today from Hammacher Schlemmer, or request a custom quote directly from Litezilla.

[via The Awesomer via Geekologie]