This mouth-watering collection of clock and lamps are fun products every bread lover needs!

The Pampshade Collection by Yukiko Morita is as delicious as it looks! Comprising of lamps and a special clock, all the designs in this collection have been made from 100% artisanal bread. Yes, all these yummy-looking products are in fact made from bread, and are edible (although we don’t advise consuming them)! Croissants, baguettes, hot cross buns, and even the Indian flatbread naan are all major inspirations for this collection. All the lamps light up the instant you place them on a flat surface! Each bread lamp and the naan clock is an artistic masterpiece that also provides functionality in our day-to-day lives. This cute little collection has really warmed my heart!

The ‘Naaaan Time’ is the latest addition to the Pampshade Collection! The clock is made from a real naan bread! The loosely-formed naans all have different textures since they’re actual baked bread! It doesn’t have a dial and gives a very general sense of the time. But that’s also what makes the clock even more interesting, it doesn’t allow time to restrict you, and in fact encourages time to loosely flow by, just like its loose and easygoing structure!

The Pampshade Croissant is the most iconic one from its entire collection! Real croissants are used to make this lamp, and it emits a gentle glow. The delicate light that radiates out of it creates a subtle environment. Not to mention the lamp by itself looks sumptuous and buttery!

Next in line is this cute little roll with a classic cross pattern! Hot cross buns anyone? Once you place it on a flat surface, it instantly lights up, giving out an ambient and peaceful glow.

This quintessential French baguette is probably one of my favorites! Its iconic length allows for more LED lights to be placed into it, making it a stronger light source. You can place this on your table, or even hang its elongated form on the wall!

This humble diamond-shaped roll was a common snack amongst the working class of Japan, and has now been converted into a lamp! A gentle hue radiates from the upper section of the roll, and honestly, I feel like taking a buttery bite out of this provincial roll!

The Batard is the shorter and more compact version of a baguette, although equally delicious! Fill up your room with the ambient lighting of this yummy French bread.

The Champignon bread resembles the butter mushroom (it has the same name in French)! This little fungal-inspired bread lamp has also been coated by an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal to protect it from the tests of time. It’ll be illuminating your living space for years to come.

The Pampshade Boule features the classic rustic shape of the bread it’s been molded after. Its soft shape and warm glow make it look like the harvest moon rising over France!

The Pampshade Toast is a soft, billowy, and buttery piece of…of course, toast! The pillow-like lamp would be perfect to hang upon your wall.

This tiny cute roll is one of the latest additions to the Pampshade collection. It’s been made from the unused and leftover bread often found at bakeries. It’s upcycling in a very bready style!

Star Wars Inspired Lighting More Powerful Than the Dark Side

Star Wars Inspired Lighting Fixtures

Lighting up your house with a geeky lamp? Cool. Lighting up your house with Star Wars lamps?Very cool! Star Wars fans you are going to LOVE this one.  An Israeli artist Eyal Rosenthal woke up one day and decided to create something awesome, Star Wars kind of awesome.

Eyal aimed to create lamps that you would put in your home, designing it while being influenced by the Scandinavian minimalist style and of course, the Star Wars movies. I think that we’ll all agree he totally nailed it.

In his work he managed to capture in each lamp the essence of the character it’s modelled after, while keeping it super stylish and modern. Star Wars is always a trendy topic. We always love to find creative mashups, fan art, merchandise and of course inspired designs. We would gladly step into the dark side with these lamps lighting our way. Staying true to the Scandinavian influence, he even gave the lamps Swedish names as close as possible to the original character’s name. Pretty much IKEA meets Star Wars.

I’m sure that by now you are wondering where and how you can get one of these bad boys. So sorry to disappoint you, but these lamps are currently just concept art, nothing more.We can only hope that one day they will get to light up our living room with one of these.

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Via lostateminor