Live Action Hitman: Talkative Assassins

Realm Pictures wowed us last year with a new type of roleplaying game – chat-controlled live action first-person shooters. The company recently worked with developer IO Interactive to create another game based on its stealth series Hitman. This time the game was in third-person, but it was no less immersive.

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Realm Pictures invited popular YouTubers such as the folks behind Smosh Games and NukemDukem, as well as actress Jane Perry, the voice of Hitman‘s Diana Burnwood. Just like the previous games, the players talked to Agent 47 remotely. But this time they were also given helpful items such as blueprints of the stage and a laptop with fake hacking software.

That was exciting wasn’t it? Here’s how they made it happen:

Realm Pictures says the YouTubers will upload the full footage of their individual playthroughs on their respective channels. I hope we get to see Jane’s playthrough as well, because it sounded like she slipped into her character while playing.

[via Tastefully Offensive]


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There’s a “Shaun of the Dead” Stage Show Coming

Blood and ice cream have proven to be a great combination. As great as Hot Fuzz was, however, nothing can top the OG Shaun of the Dead. Since there are so many fans of the film, it gets the tribute treatment fairly regularly. We’ve already covered a sweet Left 4 Dead campaign, and now we’re happy to introduce you to this: the stage show version of the classic story.

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While it looks like it would certainly be good fun to go see, I’d rather audition for it. Being a part of a show with Queen sing-alongs and a record throwing scene just sounds like too much fun. All the yelling, movie references, and audience participation seems like it should be a huge hit with the slightly overzealous fans of the show like myself.

Almost Legal Productions got the rights by simply asking, and Simon Pegg is totally behind the project. Right now, there are only plans for performances in Britain, but if it’s at all successful, I could see it coming across the pond.

[via YouTube]