Flea Market Art Turned into Video Game Tapestry: Remastered Edition

French artist Gauvain Manhattan bought six old paintings from flea markets and then painstakingly wove replicas of each painting. He didn’t replicate them perfectly though. Instead he turned the real world subjects into virtual ones by adding characters and other elements from video games.

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That piece with a large explosion becomes a lot funnier when you see what the painting originally looked like. Gauvain said he plans to do more of these if he finds more paintings. Check out his website for high resolution shots of the tapestries. While you’re there you might as well gawk at his irreverent Assassin’s Creed figurine.

[via Archie McPhee]

Classic Video Game Paper Dioramas: 3D-Tinted Glasses

Alain Wildgen converts scenes from old video games to 3D artworks by hand. For each game, Alain looks for a good screenshot online and prints that on paper. He then adds depth to the scene by cutting the print into several pieces and using foam rubber to raise some of the pieces above the others.

video game paper 3d dioramas by Alain Wildgen 620x413magnify

Alain has made 18 3D dioramas so far. Take a look at some of his work:

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Check out Alain’s blog or Facebook page for more of his work. He isn’t selling any of his dioramas, but he did share the template for his The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past diorama if you want to make one as well.

[via Make:]