Valery Rozov Makes World’s Highest Base Jump from Mount Everest

48-year-old Russian extreme sport star Valery Rozov jumped off the north face of Mount Everest for the world's highest base jump. The jump off point was at 7,220 meters (23,688ft) above sea level....

Space Invaders Invade Snowy Mountainside

What are crop circles trying to tell us? I have no idea, but I know that this HUGE Space Invaders art that takes up a whole mountainside can only mean one thing. The aliens are finally invading. And this is likely a signal for their human collaborators.
space invaders art

Remember when you used to make words or shapes in the snow by stamping your boot tracks or lying in the snow? Well, you never created anything halfway as cool as this. Sorry. This just blows your stupid snow angels away. Simon Beck is a snow art boot tracking pro. I mean that pro part. This guy walked and walked and walked, creating each little pattern piece until he created these incredible gigantic Space Invaders on the side of a mountain.

space invaders art1
What the hell did you do today? Did you make aliens on the side of a mountain? With your feet? That aliens can see from space?

[Inhabitat via io9 via Obvious Winner]