Mario Kart IRL with Roman Candles

Mario Kart is a classic game, but it doesn’t have to be confined to your console. You can play it in real life like this group of friends. Watch them play battle mode in real life as they run around shooting Roman candles and trying to pop each other’s balloons. It looks like fun. Dangerous, but fun.

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I mean what could possibly go wrong when you are shooting fireworks at friends? This is actually a pretty fun idea as long as someone doesn’t lose an eye. But you have to have danger if you’re going to play Mario Kart. That’s just the way it is.

Check out the video and then try this with your own friends. Who am I kidding? You’re just gonna go fire up the game on your Nintendo system of choice.

This Drone Is Armed with Roman Candles

This terrifying video illustrates what happens when drones go in for the kill. This UAV has been armed with roman candles, which look every bit as scary as real bullets. It also looks super fun. As long as you are the one controlling the drone and not the poor sap getting hit with fire.

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YouTuber Pierogram armed a quadcopter with lightweight fireworks on either side of the camera to capture “gun cam” video of this weaponized drone as it fires fireballs at a helpless victim on the ground. From the drone’s POV, it is some serious Apocalypse Now stuff.

It is basically a lot of shooting, mixed with a lot swearing and girly screams. That drone is a good shot too – hits the guy’s head a few times and never lets up.

[via Petapixel via Laughing Squid]