Is Jenna-Louise Coleman Leaving Doctor Who?

The internet's buzzing with rumors Jenna-Louise Coleman's leaving Doctor Who at the end of the year. U.K.'s Mirror states Clara Oswald'll be moving on to greener pastures, like many other companions...

Peter Capaldi and The Doctor at Cardiff’s Doctor Who Premiere

Doctor Who world premiered Peter Capaldi's first episode as Twelve earlier today, August 7, in Cardiff's St. David Hall. The Guardian reports that excited, complying fans "came as far as Canada,...

Devotional Candles Get Geeky

Devotional candles are great for, you know, showing your religious devotion. They also come in handy for when the power goes out, as many people found out in the recent hurricane on the East Coast. I think it’s about time that we put a geeky spin on these candles.
Devotional Candle Zelda
These devotional candles let you burn a light in honor of your favorite geeky icons! They feature Rose Tyler, Katniss, Princess Peach, a Weighted Companion Cube and more. There’s something for everyone. They were created by Banana Leviathan and come with an 8.2″ white wax candle already inside.

bad wolf candle

They only cost $10(USD) and will look great on your shelf. They also make great a great geeky stocking stuffer.

[via Nerd Approved]