A Drone to make your biopic!

A drone that can document your life is a dream! The QUADRO concept aims to do just that. This foldable, lightweight companion drone is designed to accompany you wherever you go and record or photograph all your experiences.

It utilizes a sophisticated set of sensors, including facial recognition, to follow the owner. No matter your experience, whether it be an outdoor adventure or party with friends, QUADRO stays nearby to capture the moment. Compact and foldable to the size of an umbrella, just throw it in your bag or purse when you’re not using it! Yo Kardashians! You hearing us??

Designer: Phiaro Corporation & Ryohei Ikebe







The two-wheeler limousine


The P75 Cidekick is what you get when you take tinkerers and mix them with wild imagination. When you take CAD Engineering and Simulations, and mix that with hand fabrication. When you take a Honda Unicorn, and make a lowrider out of it!

Designed to push the boundaries of what a Naked Bike should look like, the Cidekick shows off an incredibly crazy looking frame with a Honda Unicorn’s engine, brakes, and front forks at heart. What do you think? I think it looks dope, but I’d need stretchable arms!

Designers: Kengo Sakata, Ryohei Ikebe & Kazuyuki Sekiguchi.











To boldly go where men are too scared to go

It’s valiant to send rescue forces to save victims at a disaster zone. But it’s also a risk. You may end up losing lives, rather than saving them. DDS is designed to minimize that risk. It’s a rescue drone (not the flying kind) that can find its way to the people it needs to rescue. Wheels help it move fast on flat terrain, while legs allow it to climb, as well as navigate on rough land. DDS is even small enough to find its way through the toughest and tightest of spots. Once it locates its targets, it can help guide them to a safe haven!

Designer: Ryohei Ikebe (Phiaro Corporation)





Flight of the Worker-bee!


What fascinates me about bees is their strict categorization within their species. You’ve got three perfectly structured categories (worker, drone, and queen) and the way you look, and behave is determined by your category. A worker bee can’t become queen, and vice versa. Worker bees are the most hard-working of the lot (hence the name) and Phiaro’s Buzz Helicopter aims at being the worker bee of the helicopter category. Buzz is versatile, and can take on a variety of scenarios. Taking inspiration from its natural counterpart, the Buzz copter has a slender body, and its landing gear resembles insect legs. This gives it agility and allows it to land on any type of terrain, making it one awesome multitasking chopper. Even with its relatively drone-ish size, the Buzz has a cockpit with two seats, making it ideal for executing important missions.

Designer: Ryohei Ikebe (Phiaro Corporation)


