Walhub: Functional Switch Plates that Turn Your Wall Into a Hub


Light switch plates take a decent amount of space on your wall, but they don’t really serve any other purpose except to encase your light switches. On the other hand, there seems to be an eternal shortage of hooks and shelves for all your stuff like keys, umbrellas, and even your phone. Taking both into consideration and finding an appropriate solution to address it is the Walhub.

It’s an ingenious functional switch plate that gives you some extra space to keep most of the stuff that you usually take with you when you’re on the go. Keys? No problem, just hang them on the hooks. Letters that you want to drop off? Just tuck them into the hub so you won’t forget to take them with you when you leave. Same goes for your phone, earphones, and headsets.

The Walhub was launched via Kickstarter, and the campaign was funded successfully last March 11th. If you want one but wasn’t able to pledge, don’t worry because they’ll soon be taking orders on their website.

Freakishly Cool Monster Light Switch Plates Will Make You Afraid of the Dark

Gross Light Switch Plate

These monstrous light switch plates look disgusting enough in the light. Imagine how much creepier they’ll look to an unsuspecting victim person in the dark. Dressing up the switch plates for your lights isn’t anything new (remember the Power Up Arcade Light Switch we covered over a month ago?), but to say that these monster plates will add to the beauty of your home is an understatement. Or that could be an outright lie, depending on your taste and preferences.

These light switch plates are made from polymer clay and each features a unique mash-up of random monster and human body parts that will make any faint-hearted person queasy. The random boils and pus-filled bumps don’t help, either. Check out more variations of the monstrous light switch plates after the jump.

Gross Light Switch

Gross Light Switch

Gross Light Switch

These sick switch plates are priced from $40 to $60.

Product Page ] VIA [ Obvious Winner ]