Facebook-NFL Deal: NFL Video Clips will be shown on Facebook with Verizon Wireless Ads

Facebook has partnered with the NFL and now it is into displaying online video clips. The NFL will be posting brief video clips of its action sequences on Facebook pretty soon. These shots will...

Zuckerberg talks about adding ‘dislike’ button

For years Facebook users have been waiting to see a dislike button on the social networking site and most of you would be excited to know that CEO Mark Zuckerberg is actually considering introducing...

Mark Zuckerberg hopes for a Free Facebook in China

Facebook CEO has been trying hard to impress various delegates from China as he wants to open up new possibilities of taking Facebook to the Chinese population once again. His recent statement, in...

Universal may undertake Steve Jobs Biopic after Sony’s Withdrawal

Sony has backed out of its deal to bankroll the Steve Jobs biopic, according to Variety. Thus the whole project has suffered a severe setback. When asked for comments on the decision, there was no...

Facebook is looking to Bring in Brands By Replacing Unpaid Ads

There was a time when Facebook worried about people and did everything to make the people happy. There was a time when Facebook didn’t have any ads and that is why people started loving it. There...

More News On Aaron Sorkin’s Steve Jobs Movie

Biographical movies are typically a hard thing to pull off in the right way, but the Steve Jobs bio pic that is in the works looks like it might be one that has the right stuff to work. The writer...

WhatsApp CEO doesn’t plan to make money from the app

Whatsapp’s acquisition by Facebook was quite an important one and we couldn’t simply get over the huge deal as it was all over the internet. Much like everyone else, it appears that the CEO himself...

Christian Bale is confirmed for Steve Jobs Movie

Reports about actor Christian Bale taking on the Steve Jobs role in Sony's biopic based on Walter Isaacson's Steve Jobs biography appeared a week ago. Now Bloomberg confirmed the reports. Christian...