Solder Time II: The Hackable Watch

Have you ever wanted a watch you could hack to display whatever you wanted it to? With the advent of so-called “smartwatches,” rooting or hacking one isn’t going to be too far off. But if you can’t wait for this, then you should check out Solder: Time II. This DIY watch kit is hackable and programmable, which is interesting if you like fiddling around with stuff.

solder time ii diy led watch kit

The Solder: Time II watch has a 7 × 20 LED matrix that can display time, scrolling text, and animations. There’s an alarm and stopwatch as well. The simple soldering required to assemble the watch should take users less than an hour to complete. In the worst case scenario, you can always find someone you know who can help you out. The Arudino-based programming interface is exposed at the back, and it’s ready to be hacked to display that Pac-Man or Space Invaders animation you always wanted on your wrist.

The Solder: Time II watch is available as a kit for $59 at the Maker Shed.

solder time ii diy led watch kit contents

[via Make:]