To The Moon, ISSpresso… Well, To The Space Station For Now

The ISSpresso brings Lavazzo espresso to the ISS

If the crew on the International Space Station can have a zero-gravity football (aka soccer ball), they can certainly have a zero-gravity espresso machine - if no one minds drinking espresso through a straw. Two Italian companies, coffee roaster Lavazza and space food expert Argotec, have developed a special espresso maker for the ISS, they aptly named the ISSpresso.

Breaking Up With Facebook Ain’t So Hard To Do According To Eat24

Breaking Up With Facebook Ain't So Hard To Do According To Eat24Ever consider leaving Facebook? Heck, the Millennials are bailing in droves. But when push comes to shove and it's time to put the pedal to the metal, how many of us would actually pull the trigger? Well, there is one brave band of renegades who have not only set the bar fairly high as to how to cut those ties - but also how to read the riot act to the founding fathers while walking out of the door.

Beer Vending Machines In Sochi Spread Canadian Generosity

You don't have to look to far past television sitcoms, or big-screen comedies to see Canadians presented as generous, polite, and friendly human-beings. As an actual Canadian, won't burst your bubble and imply that these social perspectives aren't universal norms. Instead, I will further promote that ideology by showing you what Canadian is doing to encourage global connections in Sochi - through beer.

Farmer’s Fridge: Innovative Vending Machines For The Health Conscious

Over the years, vending machines have really changed dramatically, in part due to ever-evolving technology that makes it possible for them to break away from the norm. Even movies and television shows have poked fun at traditional vending machines for their lackluster selection (chocolate raisins just aren't a meal substitute), and their disappointing trend of taking your money without actually making your selection accessible to you. Fortunately, vending machines are much more than that, but for health food enthusiasts, most leave something to be desired. At least, that was true until now.

Need This New Innovation? Marijuana Vending Machine

Marijuana Vending MachineAs of January first the state of Colorado is either going to pot or up in smoke. Maybe both! The state had already made history by becoming one of the first two states to legalize the medical use of medical marijuana. As of the New Year the state became the first to legalize the drug for recreational use. Within days the marijuana dispensaries faced shortages and sold out. It may be time for a new distribution system for this hot (or pot) commodity -- vending machines.

Amazon Tested Kindle Kiosk Vending Machines

Jeff Bezos’ Amazon is expanding into the retail sector. Its Kindle Kiosks will be installed at various spots such as airports and commercial malls. They are like chocolate vending machines with the...

Briggo Coffee Vending Machines: The Future Of Coffee Brewing?

Vending machines are among the most popular business concepts out there - at least according to our readers! And you know what else is incredibly popular with the masses? Coffee! Now these two things are being combined, there's a new concept that just might be the best in the world.

Reduce, Reuse And Ride: Bejiing Subway Accepts Recyclables As Payment

Photo: flickr creative commons user Margaret NapierSociety's focus on reducing environmental impact is improving, and it is an even greater priority when the people engaging in environmental programs get something out of the deal. In order to encourage commuters to reduce their environmental impact, Bejing has started to accept an unusual form of currency in exchange for their transportation services. The Bejiing Subway System is introducing a program that has been coined Recycle-to-Ride (pun intended) to encourage citizens to reduce their waste, or at least what they do with it when they produce it. Because, the subway system, which is used extensively by commuters in Bejiing, accepts plastic bottles and other recyclables in exchange for subway tokens.

Break For Free Beer: Amstel Pause Awesome Vending Machine

Amstel Beer has created quite possibly the coolest vending machine in history, and that says a lot, as there has been some steep competition over the years.  The inability for people to shut themselves off from technology, for example, has been the inspiration of many online memes and rants urging people to spend time with each other, or focus on or appreciate their surroundings.  That's why Amstel rewards people with beer in exchange for taking a breather...