The EU just approved a vaccine to prevent Ebola

Today, the European Union granted an Ebola vaccine "conditional marketing authorization." The vaccine, developed by the pharmaceutical giant Merck, is known as Ervebo. It's the first human Ebola vaccine to be approved by the EU.

Facebook’s new camera filter and stickers focus on mental health

In honor of World Mental Health Day, Facebook has launched a couple of features that it hopes will bring awareness to the cause and help people who may need emotional support. For starters, it worked with the World Health Organization (WHO) to create...

Facebook debuts new notifications to fight vaccine misinformation

Following on the heels of Pinterest, Facebook is launching a new initiative aimed at combating anti-vaccine misinformation. Moving forward, whenever Facebook users search for vaccine-related content, including through groups and hashtags, the social...

Seawater desalination will quench the thirst of a parched planet

Humanity has sought to make the Earth's oceans potable for thousands of years. The Norse tale of Utgarda-Loki tells of Odin being tricked into drinking from a horn connected to the sea, while Exodus 15:22–26 of the Bible likely describes Moses...

Cuba Becomes First to End Mother-to-Baby HIV Transmission

Every year 1.4 million women diagnosed with HIV become pregnant. Untreated, they have a 15-45% chance of transmitting the virus during pregnancy, labor or breastfeeding. The rate of syphilis...

Ebola Death Cases Swells, WHO Appeals For Global Preparedness

The number of deaths caused by Ebola have currently increased to 3400 and still counting. There are actually more than 7,000 people who have already been infected by the deadly virus. The healthcare...

MERS Virus: Egypt Reports First Case of MERS virus

MERS virus now hits Egypt after Saudi Arabia. Egypt's Ministry of Health announced on Saturday that a 27 years old patient is being treated for pneumonia at a Cairo hospital. He is an Egyptian...