Angry Birds Star Wars coming to most game consoles on October 29th (video)

Angry Birds Star Wars coming to most consoles on October 29th

Angry Birds Star Wars has invaded virtually every major mobile and desktop platform; as of October 29th, it will have a footprint on nearly every modern game console, too. The sci-fi bird flinging title will ship to the US that day for the 3DS, Wii, Wii U, PS3, PS Vita and Xbox 360, with international customers getting their turn on November 1st. Regardless of the platform, there's a few rewards for patient gamers -- the console editions will carry a raft of competitive and cooperative multiplayer modes, as well as 20 exclusive levels. We're slightly surprised that there aren't PS4 and Xbox One ports just to complete the picture, but the launch is still good news for those who'd rather play ABSW on the big screen than give its sequel a try.

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Via: Joystiq

Source: Rovio Mobile (YouTube)

Angry Birds Trilogy slingshots to Nintendo’s Wii U and Wii consoles on August 13th

Angry Birds Trilogy slingshots to Nintendo's Wii U and Wii consoles on August 13th

As if its flock of angry fowl weren't already near-ubiquitous, Rovio's today announced an August 13th release date for the Wii and Wii U versions of Angry Birds Trilogy. The Finnish company had previously committed to the two Nintendo ports earlier this year, prompted by the success of the title on the 3DS, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Rovio's not just pushing out a repackaged redo, either -- this collection bundles the original Angry Birds game with Seasons and Rio, while also adding some new levels. And given the finger-flicking origins of the franchise, gamers will be able to make use of the Wii U's GamePad for that famed asymmetric play (read: GamePad-only) and touch controls. If you haven't already exhausted your lust for flipping Rovio's birds, then the dog days of summer should see you and that Wii U making nice. Of course, by then you could also be flinging zombie-like Pikmin with reckless abandon. What's a Wii U owner to do?

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Source: Polygon

Rovio teases Angry Birds Go! racing game

Rovio teases Angry Birds Go! racing game coming soon

Are you ready for another Angry Birds title? Rovio thinks you are, and it's teasing "Angry Birds, but not as you know it." And we believe it: from the short teaser animation and associated imagery, it appears that this particular game will involve racing of some sort. We haven't been given any details on when to expect it, but Rovio promises more updates over the summer, suggesting either a late summer or early fall launch. Head here to check out the teaser.

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Source: Rovio

Rovio launches syncable accounts for Angry Birds Classic and others, stores your progress across devices

No more repeating those first stages. Again. No more attempts to glean three stars on Level 4-14. Again. Rovio is finally offering sync functions for its new Croods game, globally, and its original hit, Angry Birds -- although that's only for Poland and Finland. Frustratingly, it's also only on iOS for now, although Rovio promises more areas (both device-wise and geographically, we assume) are coming soon. You'll need an email account to get yourself set up, but once that's sorted, all scores and stars can be transferred over, unified in a single account.

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Source: Rovio

Angry Birds for Windows Phone gains 100 levels, respect for 256MB handsets

Angry Birds for Windows Phone gains 100 levels, compatibility with 256MB handsets

Rovio has given Windows Phone users a fresh reason to fire up Angry Birds -- something to the tune of 100 vexing new levels. Also unique this time around, the game introduces support for Xbox Live achievements and leaderboards on Windows Phone 8. Rather than an update, however, this is a re-release of Angry Birds; you'll need to download the new version separately, which is free until May 15th. In other good news, if you own an entry-level Windows Phone such as the Lumia 610, you'll be glad to know that you can finally join in on the fun, since Angry Birds now supports devices with just 256MB of RAM. All in all, there's plenty to like about this one. Most of all, the price.

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Via: Windows Phone Blog

Source: Nokia Conversations, Rovio

Angry Birds Friends now available on iOS and Android, is totally free

Angry Birds Friends now available on iOS  Android, is totally free

It's hard to believe, but there is seriously another Angry Birds game headed to mobile today, dubbed Angry Birds Friends. Like its Facebook counterpart, the game is focused on social versions of standard Angry Birds mechanics -- flinging various bird types at various structures protecting pigs, with the ultimate goal of destroying said pigs. The twist in this iteration is that your score is tracked and stacked up against friends via Facebook, meaning that people on all platforms (Facebook, iOS and Android) can play against each other. Should you be wary of shelling out more cash for fowl, worry not, as Angry Birds Friends is free (supported by ads, as you might imagine). It's available now on both iTunes and the Google Play store.

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Source: Rovio

Angry Birds Friends coming to Android and iOS, brings the franchise full circle

Angry Birds Friends coming to Android and iOS, brings the franchise full circle

You may not have realized it if you were heads-down with your smartphone, but one of the most popular Angry Birds games is on Facebook: its social network adaptation, Angry Birds Friends, has racked up about 15 million active users. It's only appropriate, then, that Rovio complete the cycle with new plans to bring Angry Birds Friends to mobile. While details are slim, the company vows that the upcoming Android and iOS ports will maintain Facebook integration for rewards and tournaments, and they'll support both phones and tablets. We'll already have an inkling of what gameplay to expect courtesy of the web game, although we're not so fortunate with the release date -- Rovio will only say that the mobile Friends port is coming "soon."

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Via: TechCrunch

Source: Rovio

Angry Birds Hand Sanitizer (hands-on)


Listen, when you work hard (and play hard) the way we do, your hands are going to get dirty from time to time. In fact, if we've got one piece of advice for frequent trade show attendees, it would be: wash your hands. A lot. Of course, a clean water source isn't always waiting for you between booths -- when that happens, there's no beating a well-placed bottle of hand sanitizer. But while the likes of Purell and its ilk have traditionally done the trick, we've always longed for a solution that could combine our sanitization obsessions with our passion for casual gaming. That wait, mercifully, is now over, thanks to a groundbreaking partnership between the fowl flingers at Rovio and those Ph.D.s in oral care products (the Firefly Hello Kitty toothbrush, anyone?): Dr. Fresh.

Part of the industry-leading Infectiguard Kids line, Angry Birds Hand Sanitizer offers a slim and slick profile, perfect for tiny hands. The twist-off lid is located at the bottom of the bottle, pointing in a downward orientation when positioned as intended. The whole thing is supported by a carabiner laced through a loop in the top of the skinny bottle, so the sanitizer can be suspended from a backpack, messenger bag or other carrying case for easy access to its cleansing contents. And at 1.8 fluid ounces, the whole thing comes in well under the TSA's carry-on liquid restrictions.

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Source: Amazon

Rovio adds TV channel to its games, launches Angry Birds Toons on March 17th

Feel the Force: Angry Birds Star Wars coming November 8th to iOS, Android, WP, Kindle Fire and computers

If Rovio wants to rival Disney, it's going to need to broaden its distribution network, right? It turns out that the company is going the opposite way, bundling a video channel inside its apps to showcase its first TV show; Angry Birds Toons -- a 52-episode series chronicling the never-ending fight against those egg-thieving pigs. In addition to phones and tablets, the show will be available on Xfinity and Samsung Smart TVs, with Roku and TV stations outside of the US to follow in short order. Of course, we're not too sure Disney's worried -- after all, it's spent $4.05 billion to get the real Mark Hamill, not Red Bird in a blonde wig.

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Angry Birds Trilogy flutters to Wii / Wii U in celebration of one million sold

Angry Birds Trilogy flutters to Wii  Wii U in celebration of one million sold

The Angry Birds and the pigs they hate so are already quite popular on mobile devices, but it turns out that the collected escapades for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Nintendo 3DS in Angry Birds Trilogy also did quite well, pushing past one million units since September 2012. Its console success is apparently enough for its Finnish progenitor, Rovio, to release the game for both Nintendo's original Wii and the more recent Wii U at some point in 2013. The trilogy collects the first Angry Birds game with Seasons and Rio for "700+ levels." It stands to reason that the Wii U version will take advantage of the system's tablet-esque GamePad, but we'll have to wait on Rovio for more info as the year goes on.

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Via: Joystiq