Custom Apocalypse Action Figure: Build-A-Conqueror

Craig Warrack makes custom action figures, particularly those based on Marvel characters. This year he joined The Fwoosh’s Secret Santa for toy modders. This is his present for his mystery giftee: a sixth scale Apocalypse figure.

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Craig made Apocalypse using parts from a Hulk action figure as well as Thanos, Iron Monger and Green Goblin from Hasbro’s Marvel Legends Build-a-Figure line. He also sculpted some of the figure’s parts, such as the head and the collar. As if that wasn’t enough, Craig also made a figure of Apocalypse’s enemy-turned-slave Ozymandias by sculpting details over a Black Series Obi Wan Kenobi.

Craig’s giftee listed Apocalypse as one of their desired figures, preferably based on the mutant’s appearance in the awesome arcade game X-Men vs. Street Fighter, where Apocalypse is the final boss.

Craig ended up going with a different style, but as a concession he made interchangeable hand attachments based on some of Apocalypse’s weapons in the game, such as a drill and a spiked ball.

Alternate hands for #apocalypse #marvellegends #customactionfigures #marvel #xmen #xmenapocalypse

A photo posted by Craig Warrack (@craigwarrack) on

The video playlist below shows Craig’s build log. You can start at the third video if you just want to see him make the figures (he reads his giftee’s wish list in the first video, and shares his research on the character in the second video).

I’m sure the lucky giftee loved his present, but I’m actually more into the Ozymandias figure. Check out Craig’s YouTube and Instagram pages for more of his work.

[via Reddit]

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If The Zombie Apocalypse Comes, Stay Away from New Jersey

Have you ever wondered if the zombie scourge one day came ambling across your lawn, just how prepared you would be to face it? The geeks at Estately have ranked each state on how well they believe the states will survive a zombie apocalypse.

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The list takes into account things like military personnel, access to weapons, fitness of residents, and target practice opportunities like paintball and laser tag. The result is a list of the states most likely to survive:

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The state most likely to make it is Alaska. I can see that, there are a lot of woods to escape to and few people to turn into walkers and eat you. The state you least want to be in is New Jersey.

The numbers in the chart simply rank each state by the quality and availability of each of these dimensions. The lower the score, the better the ranking. The chart lists Texas in 26th spot and says we won’t survive. Clearly, they have never been here and seen all the military bases around the state, gun owners, and hunters that abound.

[via Geekosystem via Nerd Approved]