Zelda Stained Glass Wall Decals Rule! Even Hyrule!

These awesome stained glass Zelda decals will make your home look like a place of video game worship. They come from Blik Surface Graphics and there are eight to choose from. I know. They look amazing, right?

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Yes they do. Each vibrant decal tells it’s own story and features Link with a different iconic item from the Wind Waker game. They each measure appx. 22.5″ wide by 34.5″ to 42.5″ high. At just $37(USD) each and they really look like they are worth the price.

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It’s perfect if you are setting up a Church of the Holy Triforce in your home or office. You have to buy them all, because there’s no way you could just choose one or two. Hit Blik’s website for more images or to buy yours now.

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[via Albotas]

Donkey Kong Wall Decals Are Worth a Lot of Tokens

Igor Chak’s Donkey Kong wall shelf is one of the best game-themed furniture I’ve ever come across, but I bet it will be very expensive if it ever becomes a real product. If you’re as strapped for coins as I am, don’t worry. You can still have the barrels stage on your wall thanks to Nintendo and Blik.

donkey kong wall decal by blik

You can order the wall decal from Blik’s website for $65 (USD). They’re not that cheap either, but at least they’re officially licensed and reusable.

[via ThisIsWhyImBroke]