10 Coolest Xbox One Skins

Hey Xbox One owners! Tired of your old, boring, plain looking consoles? Want to spruce them up a bit? Well, take a look at this list of ten coolest Xbox One skins! These skins will make your consoles and controllers look a thousand times better. And if you don’t find anything you like here, take a look at this giant selection!

Xbox One Skin Frosted Frozen

Image via: VinylQuoteMe
The first thing that comes to my mind when I think of Frozen, is of course, the hit Disney film, but this cool skin has nothing to do with that. It’s just a cool, frosty, frozen skin. Ever wanted to pretend you’re playing video games in the freezing ice and snow? Well, maybe this skin will help you achieve that. (Though I must say you’re lucky if you haven’t gotten to experience winter lately. It’s pretty brutal where I live.)

Xbox One Galaxy Skins For Console And Controller Space Skin For Xbox One

Image via: VWAQ
I’ve always loved galaxy prints and designs. They make everything look a hundred times cooler almost instantly. I even once had a pair of galaxy print leggings, which needless to say, was probably a bit extreme of me and a definite fashion faux-paw. Anyway, this galaxy Xbox One skin is not a faux-paw, it’s pure awesomeness.

Space Invaders – Xbox One Controller – Vinyl Sticker Skin Cover Wrap Decal

Image via: ExtremeConsoles
You’ve probably heard of Space Invaders at some point. It was a huge arcade game back in the day, and is now a retro, nostalgic thing that I’m sure lots of hipsters like. I just really like the colors used in this controller skin, it’s so bright and fun. Even if you’re not much a Space Invaders fan, you’ll probably fall in love with this skin just like I did.

Real Wood Skin for Xbox One (wooden decal sticker)

Image via: iWoodInc
I know the heading says “real” but before you think about how a skin could possibly be made of real wood, let me put those thoughts to rest. It is indeed not real wood, though it certainly looks real. I really like this simplistic, modern, sleek approach to a skin. It looks like something a classy fancy person would have in their home. It’s probably a bit more sophisticated than the galaxy skin I love so much.

Xbox One Retro Grid Controller Skin Wrap Custom decal sticker

Image via: KOCustomCreationsAU
In case you haven’t been able to see it yet, I’m quite the fan of retro looking stuff. If you comb through any of my other articles, you’ll probably find lots of retro products. There’s just something about the past that’s so much fun to me. I love how the grid on this controller skin looks like the one people used back in the 80s for the background of photos. Those pictures may look cringeworthy now, but this controller decal sure doesn’t.

Xbox One Skin Gold Flake

Image via: VinylQuoteMe
I love gold. Maybe it’s because I’m a poor college student and freelance writer, but gold always seems to be calling me. (It’s because I’m destined to be rich, right? That has to be it.) Joking aside, I like the gold color of this awesome skin, and I think it looks classy and not too tacky.

Xbox One Skin Great Britain British Flag

Image via: VinylQuoteMe
Probably everyone has had some kind of decoration related to the British flag at one point. It’s such a common thing, many of us most likely don’t even think about how it’s kind of strange that so many people like another country’s flag so much. How often do you see the Scottish flag used as decoration? Huh? That’s right, never. Nevertheless, the British flag is great and looks great as an Xbox One skin.

Xbox One Beach Skins For Console And Controller Water Skin For Xbox One

Image via: VWAQ
Relaxing right? Man, just looking at this skin makes me want to book a vacation to Hawaii. (Or play a video game that takes place on some tropical island.) It’s so pretty to look at, probably the prettiest on this list. The bright blue color is beautiful. (Can someone please take me on a vacation?)

Holographic Xbox One Controller Skin

Image via: SlingshotCreative
Wow, this holographic skin reminds me of the future. It looks like something we’d see a century from now, when we have flying cars and stuff. (I know that probably won’t happen.) I love how this skin is just plain cool-looking.

XBOX ONE – Retro NES, Nintendo Console Sticker Skin Kit

Image via: HotwireGraphicsUK
Everyone loves Nintendo, or at least its classic console. Even if you’re an Xbox One owner, there’s a good chance you’ve played an NES game or two. Why not make your Xbox One console look like an NES? I think it would look pretty awesome.

Guy Wins Plumbing with “On the John” Truck Decal

Plumbers don’t get enough respect. They literally get all of the sh*t jobs. They are the Rodney Dangerfields of the working man’s world. Well, after this you’ll have to respect Ontario based plumber Nick Huckson. He’s riding dirty. At least it looks like he is.

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He had this custom vinyl decal made to promote his plumbing business. It’s cleverly designed to make it look like he’s on the toilet while driving his pickup. Apparently it’s been working great. His business is getting noticed and he’s probably up to his elbows in other people’s caca.

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This is how you do plumbing people. You make it look like you are taking a massive dump in your truck. If nothing else, you’ll get plenty of attention.

[via Laughing Squid]

Legend of Zelda Villains Keyboard Decals: It’s Dangerous to Type Alone

If you are tired of your boring old keyboard, maybe it’s time to spice things up a bit. Here, take this Legend of Zelda villains keyboard decal.

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These cool and colorful keyboard decals from Too McCool for You Designs are for MacBook Pros and primarily focus on villains from the various Zelda games. The sheet of stickers includes a mix of both minor and major villains from the series as well as items and other characters from the games, and is perfect for gamers who love the classic Nintendo series.

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New Nintendo 3DS SNES Decal: So it is New or Old?!

The New Nintendo 3DS’ face buttons were inspired by the Super Famicom controller. Etsy shop Epic Pal Designs must have thought, “Why stop there?”, and made this cool set of SNES decals for the handheld.

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The set consists of a decal for the buttons, the top screen, the lid and the rear cover.

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Here’s a stock New 3DS for comparison:

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Epic Pal Designs is selling the set of decals for $14 (USD), and it will come with a bonus “mystery decal.” Shop owner Pablo says he’s working on a similar set for the NEW 3DS XL, so calm down America.

[via Tiny Cartridge]

Game Boy Refrigerator Decal: That’s One Cool Nintendo

If you want to give your kitchen a Nintendo theme, this Refrigerator Game Boy Decal is the way to start. This decal turns your boring and plain refrigerator into a not so portable gaming device – one that has Tetris on the screen.

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It doesn’t matter what color your fridge is either. These easy to install decals will geek up your living space so that every visit to the fridge will have you itching to mash those buttons and get the high score.

You could probably find some Nintendo stickers and customize the screen to show other games too. Ice Climbers would be perfect for your fridge.

[via This Is Why I’m Broke]

Switch Decals: So You’ll Know What You’re Turning On When You Flip That Switch

Switch Decals


Every time you switch something on and then switch it back off, you waste time and electricity. Of course, you’ve probably already memorized most of the switches in your home, but you’re bound to make a few mistakes once in a while. It’s usually guests who turn switches on and off to find the one that they’re looking for via trial and error.

You could label the switches, but then they might look unsightly. Or you could just stick these Switch Decals on to let people know which is which.

Each pack of 55 Switch Decals is priced at $18.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Holy Cool ]

The post Switch Decals: So You’ll Know What You’re Turning On When You Flip That Switch appeared first on OhGizmo!.

Sight for Sore Eyes: Beach Instant Window

Beach Instant Window


Did you wake up to one of those days again? Where everything that can go wrong goes wrong, and you’re stuck working at home when you should be out relaxing and unwinding with friends? Well, just take one look out of this window and fantasize for a minute–then finish whatever it is you have to do and plan a trip to the beach, stat!

Not that the window is real or anything, but you probably already knew that. Rather, it’s a wall sticker by Fathead that depicts an idyllic and tranquil scene that looks like it came straight from the Virgin Islands: white sand, clear water, palm trees. If you spend a lot of time holed up in an office cubicle or in your room, then here’s something you can stick on the wall to make every day a little bit brighter.

The Beach Instant Window sticker is available from the Fancy for $80.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ HolyCool ]

The post Sight for Sore Eyes: Beach Instant Window appeared first on OhGizmo!.

Star Wars Sarlacc Toilet Decals: the Gross Is Strong with This One

A couple of years ago Robbie Rane and his friends were making up funny euphemisms for taking a dump. One of his buddies contributed “Toss Boba Fett in the Sarlacc.” The joke got stuck in Robbie’s head like pudding on porcelain, until one day he could bear it no more and decide to take the metaphor literally.

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With the help of illustrator Alyssa Scott, Robbie made a set of stickers that will make a toilet bowl look like the Great Pit of Carkoon. Along with Boba Fett – the bounty hunter, not Robbie’s friend’s poop – the set also includes stickers of Han Solo and Chewbacca saving Lando Calrissian.

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Robbie sells the Toilet Sarlacc decal set for $25 (USD). I don’t know how much your plumber will charge to install it.

[via Nerdist]

GPOP Google Glass Skins: Looking Okay Glass!

Heads up, Google Glass Explorers! Here’s a way to make your wearable computer draw even more attention to yourself. A company called GPOP is selling vinyl skins for your Glass. The skins are 3M vinyl cut to fit the various parts of Google’s tech.

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There skins have a variety of designs, from simple matte white and black…

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To skins with graphics printed on them.

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GPOP also has fake carbon fiber and fake wood skins.

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Okay browser, head to GPOP to buy the skins. Each set costs around $10-$16(USD). Just to show to you that its really ahead of the gadget skin game, GPOP also sells skins for the Pebble smart watch.

[via The Gadget Flow]

Star Trek Stick Figure Decals for Your Car: Family of Four to Beam up

I’m not sure why, but family stick figure decals on cars always annoy me. Maybe I’m just jealous I didn’t think of the idea first. Anyway, I actually find these Star Trek decals to be pretty cool. Carpooling: The Final Frontier.

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This set doesn’t just include a few decals either. All of your Trek favorites are here and they look great. You get a total of 32 decals in the set, with 23 different characters from the original series.

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  • Tall characters (4 3/4″ tall): Capt. Kirk, Spock, Nurse Chapel, Uhura, McCoy, Sulu, Scotty, Chekov, Yeoman Rand, Romulan (female), Andorian, Gorn, Isis, Klingon (male), Orion (female)
  • Short characters (3 3/4″ tall): Capt. Kirk x 2, Spock x 2, Nurse Chapel x 2, Uhura, Chekov
  • Other: M-113 Creature (5 3/4″ tall) , Mugato (4 1/2″), Tribbles (1″) x 6, Star Trek logo

The full set of decals goes for $14.99(USD) from ThinkGeek. I guess the tribbles represent your pet dog or cat, while the Mugato almost certainly represents your mother-in-law.

[via Nerd Approved]